Whole Product Concept History - Building Tech Product Differentiation as the market matures

Yesterday we shared a short post about building differentiation and mass adoption for your tech product with the example of Tesla and Ford.

The post is based on the Whole Product concept that shows how to build differentiation and increase product adoption for the whole technology adoption lifecycle.

A little bit of history on the concept:

1983 - Ted Levitt, HBS professor, introduced the “ Total product” concept.

1985 - Regis McKenna renamed it to “Whole Product” and refined the framework.

1986 - Tom Peters introduced an extension to Levitt’s concept explaining how products move through the technology adoption process. Intangibles assume more importance over time.

2020 - Warren Schirtzinger refined the Whole Product concept and created “The Low Risk Recipe” framework. Based on more than 200 high-tech projects, it shows the intangible categories we’ll need to convince the different kinds of adopters as the technology adoption lifecycle evolves.

Did you know about this concept? How would you apply this to your product?


Jose Bermejo @josberco