Mass-market tech product sales - Ford vs Tesla #EV

Have a tech product/service? This is for you.

The new Ford Mach-e is eating into Tesla’s US sales.

Surprise? I don’t think so.

Ford is better positioned to build a market-leadership position into this category segment.


1.Mass-adoption comes with the mainstream, not the early-market. Tesla is an excellent brand/car for early-adopters.

2.Ford, with lower risk perception, relies on stronger intangibles than Tesla: retail network, car manufacturer history, repair points…

Contrary to popular thinking, mass sales in tech products/services are NOT about better/more features in your core tangible product.

To grow sustainably + exponentially with your product or service…

…look beyond your early-adopters

…focus on core intangible features to achieve mass-adoption

…focus on a vertical product, instead of horizontal.

XaaS works the same way.

All tech product adoption works the same way.

More features and tangibles will make you better for early-adopters.

More intangibles will help you achieve sustainable and exponential growth.

What intangibles and how are you building to achieve mass sales? Have a look at the image for clues!

#innovation #growth #sales #strategy #marketing #tech #saas

Jose Bermejo @josberco